I am trying to develop a logic where i need to read a parameter from a text file and search it on a webpage and run that job finally. Problem is webpage is not having any search box. Is there any way i can implement it using UIPath (Studio Pro Community).
In the below screenshot, basically it will use the scroll bar to go to the parameter value lets say “Rollup” and then click on Launch button (marked as 3).
I have designed the logic to open the webpage as of now but not sure how to write the search logic due to absence of any search box. Please advise.
Thanks a lot for you reply. Actually “2” i need to pickup from a file as a parameter and need to search the same on webpage and then click the corresponding “3”. I can pick up the parameter by using the event Readcell (using same to pick the credentials from excel).
Sorry i am pretty new in RPA so could not understand how i can use selector directly. I mean i need to drag an activity and in the Target selector property it would be used. Please let me know how can i proceed in this case. Apologies if my query is silly as i told that i am new in this field.
Target selector will come for activity like Type Into not for activity like Read cell of “Excel application scope”. So here since there is no search box on webpage i am unable to use “Type Into” where i can use "Indicate on screen. So was just wondering for which activity i need to update the value to “aaname”
I will use the Read cell of Excel Application scope to read the parameter. After that which activity i need to use where i can use selector aaname=’“+variable.ToString+”’ .
Hi @Priyadharshini78
Thanks for your suggestion. I am using click activity now after Read cell. And in target selector of click its giving me below code:
So you want me to update the 2nd line as below?
webctrl aaname=’“+parameter.ToString+”’ parentid=‘zr10:0:zt0:0:pt1:t1::db’ tag=‘SPAN’ /
where parameter is the variable i am using for the output of read cell. Please let me know if i am on correct path?
I changed as per you suggestion but seems its not accepting the selector value. The blue color error symbol is appearing. Whether i need to do any other alteration?
Really appreciate your inputs here.
Its still giving error. Below is the screenshot of the brief as well. I believe there is some limitation of number of replies for a new joinee to the forum. In case i am unable to reply you today after some more replies … will reply you tomorrow.