Timeout problem

I need to set a timeout for the ‘Element Exist’ activity, and I’m using a ‘For Each File’ loop to control the workflow. However, my target may not exist every time in the process. If the timeout is too long, it will cause the entire process to run for a long time. But if the timeout is too short, UiPath will proceed to the next activity, and error will occur. So, how can I control the program to meet my needs .

前一個流程執行完才可以用 element exist 來抓 True/false ,我使用For each loop 來跑整個流程所以會一直執行這部分的內容。
前一個流程執行完的時間每一次都不一樣,如果timeout太常會導致整體流程執行時間被拉長,反之Uipath 會跳到下一個流程導致錯誤產生卡住。

Hey @Jacky_Ho

Try to use the Check app State Activity .

Given the documentation link of the activities below :

Activities - Check App State

Cheers :upside_down_face:

Hello @Jacky_Ho,

Please refer attach image. Inside properties section of element exist or check app state activity you will find out Options
→ Timeout

In timeout you can put your value as per your need. Default timeout is 5 seconds.

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Hi @Jacky_Ho,

Welcome to the UiPath Community :tada:

It will not wait too long. As soon as the Element is found, it will proceed to next logic or processes. It will not wait till timeout in this case.

You should be keeping the Timeout as reasonable as possible as per your observation like generally how much time it takes to appear that specific element.

Ashok :slight_smile:

You can use the retry activities for when you have given a short time out.
Note: get this count from the config file.