While execution the bot send me this message and sometimes not.
Can I know the reason or find a proper solution for it?
Thanks in advance
Could you please tell more details about the issue and what are you trying and when you are getting this error ?
Could you please show me screenshot of the issue and so that we can help you better.
–Kindly close the excel and execute buddy or use a kill process activity before to excel application scope and mention the process name as “EXCEL” in the property panel
–Or if the issue still persists, kindly check with the range specified in the read or write range activity, or try to mention as “” alone in the range option that would read the whole file
–kindly check with the sheet name as well
hope this would help you
cheers @marwan992
Hi @marwan992
-This error comes due to you didn’t provided the range Correctly
-Second thing is that when you are reading the file check the Sheet name Is it correct check it once.
i am trying to write cell in my file. Sometimes i face this error
Show me screenshot of Write Cell Activity in your process and will check once how you passed the range.
so at which activity you were getting error buddy
Cheers @marwan992
in D1
Uncheck Visible option for Excel Application Scope Activity and then try once.
it is already unchecked. I want for each excel file to write the same heading A1 until F1 from level0 to Level 6
kindly uninstall the excel package in manage packages in design tab and reinstall and try buddy
were you able to get know buddy
Cheers @marwan992
Are you trying to write same thing for all Excel files ?
After writing into Excel file completed then try to close the Excel file by using Kill Process Activity and pass process Name as Excel else create one workbook variable for Excel Application Scope Activity and pass it to Close Workbook Activity to close the Excel file.
Still facing the same problem with error runtime execution
Were you able to find a solution for this?