what is the best practice to get the text/scrap the text from UIelement?
I want to know where to use
get text
get full text
get visible text
get OCR text
what is the best practice to get the text/scrap the text from UIelement?
I want to know where to use
get text
get full text
get visible text
get OCR text
get text - Extracts text value of the specified single UI object
get full text - Extracts text using FullText screen scraping method. It allows you to scrape all visible text on the UI object
get visible text - Extracts text using Native method of screen scraping. It also captures the position of the text and other text properties such as font style and colour.
get OCR text - Extracts text using OCR screen scraping method. Can use when the other screen scraping methods fail. Can be used for Citrix apps where all above methods do not work.
I want to scrap the text from command prompt what will be the best activity to scrap the text?
Native or Hotkeys
@aksh1yadav you bet I’ll
Dude ! For me It takes a second not a lot of time.
Is Get Full Text supposed to be used only when using Screen Scraping?
(For example, I want to get an address from a PDF, and it’s multi-line.
I got some impression I need to use Get Full Text for the multi-line.
I tried to combine it with Anchor Base Element but it continued to scrap another element.
Get Full Text activity will be generated by itself while doing screen scraping.
You can use this activity just like get text activity. It can be used if you want to scrape the string and its information from an UI element using ‘Full text’ method of outputting the text. You can refer below link for more information about Full text scraping method. UiPath
No, It isn’t that way. Irrespective of number of lines you can use any of the scraping methods mentioned above based on your requirement.
You can combine it with anchor base. It has scraped the text indicated relative to the anchor element being specified using find image/find element. This activity just extracts the text being specified.
Thank you for your easily understood explanation, @Vinutha. Does that mean the Get Text is using Native Method?
Understood about the Anchor Base use, may be I was making a mistake in another place, will check it again.
No. Get Text is a basic activity to extract the text value of specified UI element. It does not use any of the scraping methods - FullText/Native/OCR. It just extracts the plain text. Screen scraping methods provide us additional attributes of the element like hidden text, text position etc.
Thanks a lot!
Hi @ddpadil,
I am new to Uipath working one of the requirement. would you be able to help, I am trying to scrap Its not exactly a table While click you will go to next screen also Here we cant copy anything.
Table can be put through loop through but here I not able to scrap it.
Hey @Nitin_Soni,
Were you able to solve this?
Let me know since am also facing a similar issue.
Anyone, please look into this issue. Appreciate it
does full Text method also gives you text color or font?