Terminal activities use

Scenario: We are trying to connect with exceed ou 3270 to mainframe

Steps to reproduce: we recorded the steps with studio

Current Behavior: all the screen still black

Expected Behavior: seeing the terminal screen with input text

Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version: 2017

Last stable behavior:
Last stable version:
OS Version: Windows 7 Enterprise
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc):

Hey @ben

Have you checked?

you can find many similar post on the forum just search first :slight_smile:


Interesting, I saw someone with a similar issue the other day, where the terminal seems to connect but the wizard in studio was blank - Bluezone connected still Uipath window blank.

I’d make the same suggestion to you - if you ignore the wizard and just drag some activities into the terminal sequence, does it work?

you will be able only when a session has been made between terminal and UiPath :slight_smile:

Yeah it sort of seemed like it had done that in the previous post. But the wizard window showed connected, but was blank.

I’ve tested our terminal stuff on 2017.1, seems fine.

yes but to show connect that does not meas session has been initiated to interact with terminal :slight_smile:


same issue here.

We want to connect to a TN3270.
In “Recording” mode :

  • Black screen at the beginning.
  • UiPath status bar shows : connected.
  • If we send our login, tab, password, “transmit”,
  • then we have the normal menu (display is almost normal, we have some cosmetic differences between UiPath Terminal and Exceed).
  • and when we want to go into an application, the application logo didn’t display correctly (it takes too much space on screen, so login/passowrd prompts are hidden.

Perhaps it’s a ISO or I18N issue (internationalization) or other technical configuration. We didn’t see any option in UiPath to manage terminal settings for that.

  • How to manage internationalization for Terminals in UiPath ?

We saw there is an update for Terminal Application package.

But we are not allowed to connect to internet with our UiPath computer.

  • How to update manually packages ?

Kinds regards

@Gabriel_Tatu @badita

The Manage Packages button on the Activities panel displays an orange border when there are packages that need to be updated, as in the following screenshot.
All your activities can be automatically updated when a new version is available, by selecting the Auto Update check box, in the Manage Packages window.

If you want to manually update activities packages:

  1. On the left side of the Manage Packages window, click the Updates category. The Manage Packages window displays all activities packages to be updated.
  2. Click the Update button next to the package that interests you. The updated package is no longer displayed in this view.
  3. Optionally, update all the packages at once by clicking the Update All button.


Thank you for your quick answer.

By “manually”, I wanna mean “Proxy didn’t allow UiPath to connect to internet”.

This is logic : we are in mainframe environment. That means critical business operations. That means maximum security.

  • How to update packages manually when UiPath is not allowed to make any connection to the internets ?
  • How to manually download packages ?
  • How to install manually packages on UiPath (with a USB-Key).

Our need is simple :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Yes in that case downloads the updates on other network connected system then go to packages directory and take the latest version package and move it to the system you wants at the specified package directory :slight_smile:


Yes, we have tried that yesterday. :slight_smile:

Package directory is located in Program Files\UiPath.
Our secured account didn’t allow us to make any change into it. :frowning:

UiPath recording function didn’t work at all. We are very suspicious regarding Windows GPOs and local account rights.

We ask for a new UiPath installation asap and more local accounts rights.


When I use the wizard, the screen does’nt match with the TN3270 that I can get with the Open Text HostExplorer terminal. The text is not aligned.

When I make sequencies, I use “Get Screen Area” activity and for getting the most of the screen, I need to set row to 24 and colum to 160.

I don’t understand why the UiPath Plugin add blanks betweeen texts. Is there a property to set ?

Hi @aksh1yadav need sample application for automating mainframe. there is not sample, all are discussing about the issues, but not given any step by step mainframe automation, can you help me on this. i do not have idea how to start the Mainframe automation.

Thanks in advance.

Hey @kiran

Need sample application will not be available due to Company Data Privacy :slight_smile: but it is simple and Terminal automation steps is available for mostly provider.

just you have to first establish a connection with your terminal application based on the provider selection.

what is your terminal provider Name?



I am trying to connect to a Terminal Session from UiPath through UiPath internal.

We are using a TN3270 type of terminal so I have given the IP Address, port and the Type of terminal in the Terminal session cnfigurations,

On connecting to the Terminal session, First I see is the Blank screen,
Steps are as follows,

  1. Terminal session was a blank screen, from UiPath Internal.
  2. On executing the frst command using Type activity, it went to logon screens and from there Recording was good with all the fields that are required.
  3. While running the process, which was recorded in Step 2, all I get is a blank screen and then an error saying Field not found.

please help on this, should there be any 3rd party terminal That I should use and connect through Ehllapi ??


Hi deepu145,

Uipath has a special package with terminal activities and it is flexible in typing using label and co-ordinate based.
i recommend instead of recording use type into with label based and pass the label name in the property.
