Table Extraction not working consistently

Hello everyone, I am working on automation on a government website. I know that these types of websites are more secure in terms of hyperlinks and link addresses. However, selecting UI elements on the website is possible. Roughly 1 out of 10 times of me running the file is a success (Table extracted into Excel Sheet) making 9 out of 10 times unsuccessful (No table was extracted, however StudioX still indicated as a successful run)

Is there an answer to this inconsistency of data extraction? Could this be anything to do with the website itself? Is there a way to overcome this problem? Any help or suggestion will be much appreciated, thanks!

Hello @izzikan

Can you confirm you have provided enough delay before the extraction? Also in the property of the Table extraction there should be a field which waits for the page to load completely.

  • Target.Wait for page load - Before performing the action, wait for the application to become ready to accept input. The following options are available:
    • None - Does not wait for the target to be ready.
    • Interactive - Waits until only a part of the app is loaded.
    • Complete - waits for the entire app to be loaded.