Hi,I’m New for UiPath studio,use UiPath community 2023.4.
Design job for web scrapping ,try to open url using open application activity but getting error (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Could not find the UI element corresponding to this selector:)
please guide me to resolve error ,
kindly check attach screen shot
Hi @ashwini.mali - If you are trying to open web application, can you try using Open Browser activity
Doc - https://docs.uipath.com/activities/other/latest/user-guide/open-browser
@ushu thank you for reply ,
try above activity ,and it work.when test only open application activity it run and login but when run whole (complete project ) getting error
UiPath.Core.BrowserOperationException: The browser failed to launch. —> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800402a5 at UiPath.UiSystemClass.StartBrowser(String bstrSelector, String bstrURL, String bstrArguments, UiBrowserName browserType, Int32 timeoutMs, UiBrowserFlags browserFlags)
at UiPath.Core.Browser.Open(String url, CommMethod startBrowserMechanism, Boolean privateSession, Boolean headlessSession, Boolean defaultSession, String cmdLineArgs, Int32 timeoutMs)
@ashwini.mali - Do you think you can share your workflow.
Also, just want to confirm, you are using Run button in Main.xaml run your project.
@ushu ,when use run button to run job ,getting error .And when run by using right click->test Activity or run from this Activity option .then successfully run job
@ashwini.mali - Do you think you can share your workflow
@ushu now getting another error( “message”: “Click ‘INPUT’: Cannot send input to UI element because it is outside of screen bounds.”,)
Please try changing the click properties to simulate…you need to check the check box beside the simulate for this
Alternately use a hover activity before click and then use a click activity
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