System exception.The activity 'Try Catch' with ID 21 threw or propagated an exception while being canceled.?

i’m using the REFramework in my project and i get the error below when i run it in the orchestrator, what this error means?


Welcome to uipath forum

I got to see this issue is been fixed since the version 2021.10

So can we try upgrading the project dependencies and give a try

Go to studio → open this project → design tab-> manage packages → project dependencies → upgrade and install them

Cheers @rahmachabbeh21

I’m using the latest version available in the studio, how can i fix this error ?

May I know What activities are used in that Try catch

In fact, the error show that the exception is in the workflow retryCurrentTransaction of the framework, its the default workflow without any changes, it doesn’t contain a try catch activity, is it the try catch of the workflow setTransactionstatus? i would like to know what is the reason behind? and i tried to put the option continue on error as true in the workflows setTransactionstatus and retryCurrentTransaction, but i have always the same exception in this level of the retry exception, however the retry is done correctly after handling the exception, any recommendations to avoid this error message?

Hi @rahmachabbeh21
If you used like parallel activity or pickbanch activity, maybe you can follow this thread.


I got my issue resolved by checking the Finally stage of Try/Catch. I was using the variable which wasn’t instantiated.
100% Chances that you are performing operation in Finally Stage which is throwing exception.

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