Studio not updating automatically, neither manually updating further than to 2023.10.6

I’m posting this here for the sake of PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, as I already opened a ticket.

Yesterday, while in a videoconference with the company that’s bringing out “local” support to us, the girl in charge noticed that hour version was quite old, 2023.10.4.

She prompted us to check if we had disabled to automatic updates service, but she could confim that everything was OK - the service was running on our machines.

She told us do download the installer rom the Cloud and, after running it, choose to update.

We did it, and it updated to 2023.10.6.

Still, this version is quite old, as in the docs (Studio - Update Studio) we see last version is 2024.10. We are running one version that’s like one year old.

Not only it still doesn’t get updated automatically, but if we try to download and run the .MSI again, it doesn’t offer any option to update.

We experience tens of ugly bugs and issues everyday, open a lot of tickets, complain a lot in the forums, we even mentioned there several times that we are on this old very old version of Studio yet nobody dares telling us to update and how to do it.

How can this be possible?

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-09 144623