Stuck trying to send email from another account

Hi all,

I cannot get outlook to send an email from another account using the outlook send email activity. Normally in outlook I would simply click the “from” dropdown box and select the correct email address to send from (as I have both my personal email, as well as the team email). However, I can’t get it to work property in UIPath.


I’ve tried any number of combinations in the input fields in the activity - with no luck. Any suggestions at all please?


Hi @adam.williamson,

You have to give the e-mail account in the Account property enclosed within a “” (eg.,, if you want to send from a different account that is not your default account.

I’ve tried and it never seems to work.
If my personal email is, and the team’s email is, no combination of either seems to work in either box. Whenever I check my drafts folder (as I have it set to save in drafts rather than send straight away), it always shows as being from my personal account…

@adam.williamson - Please clarify below doubts buddy;

  1. Do you want to send a mail from one of your mail IDs on behalf of other ID? Like this :point_down:t5:


  1. Is the From address (personal/team) which you want to send is default in your outlook account?
  1. No, when I send an email from the ‘team’ email it doesn’t show the “on behalf of” when sending the message, it simply shows as it is came from the team account (
  2. My personal account if the default in Outlook.

Did we find a solution to it?