Start robot/process from Python script + Add arguments as parameters

Hi !

Before anything, I know how to run a simple process via a powershell script

Ok so I have two questions :

  • First of all, I want to use a Python script (which is firstly called from a WinDev program fyi) to run a uirobot process. And I don’t know how. Is there a way in Python to do so ? Or will I be forced to run a Powershell from my Python script ?

  • Second question, How do I pass arguments to the process, and how are they gathered from the process. To further explain, I need to pass dates (as strings) as parameters for the UiPath process, as it was build to find stuff based on the dates you input. So if I were to call the process via Powershell, or even if there was a way to run the script from Python directly, how would it be done ?

No need to answer both of the questions at the same time, I just need a few info and I’ll be able to figure out by myself at some point. But in case people knew, it would spare me time :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks !

Hi @PythonDev85,

You could try reading this post, which shows how you can use the Start-Process with input arguments.

One caveat is it reverts to Python path so modules it has access to are on the global installations.

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Well, actually, this is the opposite of what I’m willing to do.
This shows how to run a Python script with arguments from a UiPath Process.
What I want to do is run a UiPath Process with arguments from a Python script.
To be clear, the first thing launched in my build is Python.
Now I imagine in my Python script, there’s a line like “runUiRobotProcess(arg1,arg2,arg3)”
Though, my question is, how do I write that to make it work ? How can I run an UiRobot process from a Python script formula

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Hi @PythonDev85,

Ah ok, now I understand your request. So lets break it down. This is surely possible. The os module in python is all you need.

What you must have in the host system running your python script

At a minimum a UiPath robot license (since 21.10 UiRobot.exe does not run headless/airgapped anymore, it has to be connected to the orchestrator and a license must be allocated)

General syntax : Hey UiRobot.exe, execute a nuget file with input arguments and use a specific entrypoint

C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe  execute --file "C:\Users\%USER%\Documents\UiPath\_Nugets\YourUiPATHPROJECT.1.0.3.nupkg"  --input "{'in_InputDataFolder':'C:\\Users\\%USER%\\Documents\\UiPath\\InputData'}" --entry "YOURENTRYPOINT.xaml"

In python it could be

def RunningUiPathProject(arg1):
    You can design this function as you please with any number of arguments going into the cmd_str variable
    import subprocess
    cmd_str = "C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe  execute --file 'C:\Users\%USER%\Documents\UiPath\_Nugets\YourUiPATHPROJECT.1.0.3.nupkg'  --input '{'in_InputDataFolder':ARG1} --entry 'YOURENTRYPOINT.xaml'".Replace("ARG1",arg1) 

The one thing I have not tested is the use of Quotes in cmd_str. Quotes are always a pain, at the worst case save the cmd_str variable in a text file and read it and then manipulate it, much like a template string.

I took the new UiRobot.exe syntax from : Benchmarking Extract Transform Load (ETL) pipelines in UiPath - News / Vote on Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe execute --file "C:\Users\%USER%\Documents\UiPath\_Nugets\BenchmarkingETLApproachesinUiPath.1.0.3.nupkg" --input "{'in_InputDataFolder':'C:\\Users\\%USER%\\Documents\\UiPath\\InputData'}" --entry "FilterBenchmarker.xaml"


Thanks for all of this, this is perfect. I figured out some of this myself this morning and was able to test and deploy Indev version of my project with this info. You have perfectly resumed it and I hope that some other people will find and use your solution in the future as it’s insanely useful !

To resume for curious people :

  • In Python, use the “subprocess” module. The .run() function is the key, just need to paste the same string you would have put in a CMD or PowerShell
  • For UiPath input entry, simple define Arguments as “In” or “In/Out” format. In the string used in Python, you need to add “–input <variables in a json/dict format surrounded by quotes>” (see example above)
  • You need to have a license on your UiRobot connected to the orchestrator to fetch the process and be able to run it (same as if you were to run the process from the UiPath Assistant)

If for some reason, anyone needs to connect this with a WinDev window as front-end, you just need to specify the arguments as parameters of the function you’re calling. If help needed, you can DM me

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Thank you for summarizing the approach. Adding additional info here.

Current syntax of UiRobot.exe from CMD, not from PowerShell

Other older threads on using UiRobot.exe in this post

SCHEDULING THROUGH TASK MANAGER - Help / Assistant - UiPath Community Forum

The new syntax can be used instead of the old syntax in the same approaches.

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