Hi, I have script with two arguments and currently I am using start process activity to run the script. but I am not able to pass the arguments. CAN ANYONE PLEASE Help!!!
I have same issue… Could someone help me also
Have you checked this?
let me know if this helps you
Happy Automation!
yeah. But the script is lengthy and cant do it on python scope. so i tried start process. and not able to pass the argument in start process
start process? its used to start the process not the python code
Even long acripts can be run using python scope …you can create a .py file and cal it as well
Also in invoke code how are you trying to trigger?
You should be able to pass based on how youa re calling it
But ideally it would be better to use pythonscope
import tabula
import pandas as pd
import openpyxl
import sys
def GetDataTable(PdfPath,ExcelPath):
dfs = tabula.read_pdf(PdfPath, pages='all',stream=True,multiple_tables=False)
data = pd.DataFrame(dfs[0])
Hi Anil, I need o extract table from pdf using python tabula but its working only for one pdf and others are getting error on jpype module not found