Start recorder for Terminal session not working

Does anyone know why whenever I insert a username and password into my terminal session, the start recorder button is unusable? When I remove the credentials, the button restores.

Here are my configuration settings for the connection

I think the username and password properties are for something else, and are conflicting with the Connection String being filled in. At least the way ours works, you connect then log in by entering a username and password into the terminal screen (which can be done with the Send Keys and Send Keys Secure activities).

Anyway, having done a lot of mainframe automation, I’d say the recorder isn’t terribly useful. It’s simpler IMO just to add the steps manually. What I do is open a third party terminal emulator and do the steps manually, adding them to the Terminal Session activity manually as I go. Test, rinse, repeat.


The process runs fine, I just can’t see the steps. It connects to the server fine. But I guess I could just use send keys to just get the info I need without seeing a terminal just to be clear. Thanks

Make sure you have the “Show client application” box checked in the Configure Connection wizard. If you’ve already done the wizard and have your connection string filled in, change the ShowTerminal property in the connection string to True. Then you’ll see the terminal window.

Show terminal was already set to true as well as the show client application ticked. No change

Are you sure it’s not showing, maybe just under another window? I usually have to click it to bring it to the front. As your job is running in Studio, you’ll see a green icon that looks like an old cassette player “play” button, on your taskbar. That’s the Robot process. When the terminal session starts, that icon will have that little extra on the line under it, indicating there are two windows. Mouse over the icon and you’ll see the terminal window, which you can then click on to bring to the front. Like how you bring a “new email” window to the front by hovering over the Outlook icon.

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