Standalone UiExplorer client download?


I was trying to find the download link for the standalone version on UIExplorer if there is one? We have an on-premise/(enterprise) version and dont have access to the Cloud portal to download it from there is there any other way to download the standalone UiExplorer?

HI @Mr.Daniel

We dont have a seperate UiExplorer
UI Explorer is a core part of studio

So you need Studio to access the UiExplorer



Are you sure about this, because from what i’m reading in the UiExplorer documentation there is a standalone version downloadable from the Automation Cloud instance. UIExplorer

But the thing is we dont use Automation cloud instance and can’t access this download link. Is there another way to download this standalone client.

Hello @Mr.Daniel,

welcome in the UiPath Community.

Yes, a standalone version is available. On the one hand via the UiPath Cloud Platform, choose on the right side the Resource Center and now you can download UIExplorer, but in your case is it not possible, so here the link:

Best regards


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