I added the “Sort data table” activity to sort dates in descending order. It has recently stopped sorting the “date” column in my excel sheet. The format of the cells is “date”. Does anyone know why it will not sort the date column anymore?
currently we cannot refer to the details or derive it from the description
the values visually presented in EXCEL are not mandatory stored in the same way / format within the datatable
in such cases we would inspect the datatable
maybe also analyze on formats and parsing options
and give a try on sorting with a LINQ
check The format of the date column is correct or not . Make sure that the date column is formatted as a date. You can check this by right-clicking on the column header and selecting “Format Cells”. If the format is not set to “Date”, then change it to “Date” and try sorting again.
Thank you
Thank you, for responding! it’s been resolved. It is working now. I wanted it to “Ascend” not “Descend”. Please disregard my question.