Hi Community,
I have been facing with a problem with embedding a UiPath Chatbot, created with DialogFlow, into my website. I have copied the HTML code, that UiPath provides, and pasted it into the body tags of the website.
Everytime I open the chatbot in my website I find this error.
I only found out later that this only happens on Chrome. So I followed these steps and now it works fine:
Navigate to chrome://flags in Chrome.
Enable the following flags:
SameSite by default cookies
Cookies without SameSite must be secure
Close and re-launch Chrome.
Navigate back to chrome://flags
Disable the following flags:
SameSite by default cookies
Cookies without SameSite must be secure.
Close and re-launch Chrome.
Test your chatbot.
But does that mean that everyone(people who are going to use the Chatbot on the website) must first configure the settings and then access the bot or is there a once-off solution to this?
Hi @Aayush_Thakor, unfortunately anyone who has this experimental feature enabled for them will need to follow these steps. We’re investigating potential solutions to this