Solved - Google Images first image

Hi all,

I am playing with a project that requires doing a search in google images, clicking the first image that comes up and grabbing the url.

I am using chrome. It seems to largely work, though I can’t seem to work out how to click that first image result in a way that lets it be variable based on the search.

Any thoughts on how I would manage that?

I did not understand this part, do you mean since the image url is a variable and do you want to know how to store it?

I’m not sure if it helps but watch this tutorial:15:13

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Thanks DelOli, that did help, what I ended up doing was:

  1. Use an offset in the click from the title bar to just click where the first image would be.
  2. Do a scrape as per the video you linked to scrape the url which gave me the link in a datatable
  3. Do a Webrequest to download the image

I’d say a dynamic selector should help.

<html title='*Google*' />
<webctrl id='res' tag='DIV' />
<webctrl idx='1' tag='img' />

This selector should give you the first image always.

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Thanks - I think that will be neater ongoing - I will give this a try.