Solutions in Studio?

The training is great, so I haven’t really looked at the Solutions until now. It looks like they aren’t in StudioX, but are in Studio. So, if I’m working in StudioX and want to look at the solution, I need to select Studio and restart my computer. This seems pretty terrible, if I’m understanding this correctly. Is this right, or is there a better way? (I’m sure there’s a painfully obvious way I’m missing.

Wait wut ? You need to restart your PC to switch from Studio to StudioX :open_mouth:

This can be achieved really simple by opening the menu and change the profile :

Hope this helps you with not restarting your PC every time you need to switch between Studio and StudioX

Pro tip ( although not tested on community edition with standard licensing plan ) you can also bring up another instance of Studio and select the Studio profile , thus having 2 Studio’s open one with the Studio profile and one with the StudioX profile . Why I say not tested is because I do not have a standard licensing model ( advantages of working for UiPath ) but the only issue I see is that it would consume 2 Studio licenses from your allocated quota .

Hope this helps,