Enable to switch to Studio

Hi guys,

I am going nuts. For some reason my Studio started opening as StudioX and I am unable to switch it back, which you would do under License and profile > Change profile. But as you can see that option is not available any more. I used get it back when I logged out en in again but that is also no longer working. Literally tried reinstalling UiPath about 4 time now with out any result.

So at this point I have no idea anymore what it could be and what I could do to solve it.

Anybody any suggestions. Please let me know.

Kind regards,


Hi @rheijnerman ,

Could you check the below post :

Let us know if you are able to adopt this approach.


Sorry cant seem to follow. I should have a community license not a free license. Where can I check that?


@rheijnerman ,

As already provided in the previous posts in the topic provided above, we can use :

Then Navigate to Admin->Licenses

You should be able to check the License Plan there :

@rheijnerman ,

You would require to click on Start Pro Trial and get the licenses updated, as provided in the post.


If you are on community plan you should be able to access studio…

Please provide automation dveeloper license…i guess you gave automation express license…you can check from
Tenants and robots tab…about what license it is…

If license is wrong go to admin…licenses and provide license to the tenant and then add it to the robot and then reconnect from machine

Hope this helps
