Sharepoint Get List Items


Can anyone explain how we should use the filter in this activity

If I try using this I always this option I always get the same error “Get List Items: An unspecified error has occurred.” but the column exists and has datetime as datatype:

The activity gives other option to filter but is asking for a IEnumerable argument and I don’t know what kind of expression should I pass here. For what I understand this activity should accept oData filters.

Can someone help me understand how the filters work in this activity and maybe give me some example of a working filter.

In this case I need to filter the Sharepoint list by the creation date to get the items that are greater than Today.AddDays(-1) and lower than Today.

Please share with us the details of the O365 Scope Activity and let us know which O365 Package version is used. Thanks

This activity is from the Integrations wich doesn’t need the O365 Scope Activity

Right now i’m using the 2.6.10-preview version ut even with the latest stable (2.5.8) the result was the same.

As for the Integration Service Activities the version is 1.3.0

This is handled?

A statement confirmed by running it without filter and returned items do proove it?

Yes, if I use the activity without any filter I get all the items from that list and the value of the ‘Created’ column is in fact datetime.

I can get all the items and filter the results after but if the activity has the option to filter it should be more effective and give better performance.

I searched online and can´t find any example or information on how to use the filter by giving the ienumerable argument.

Don’t know if this is the right way but the error i get is the same that i get when using the flter builder

have sent you a PM

Milton et all,

Your unspecified error may be occurring because the SharePoint List column you are Filtering on has not been indexed. If the error also contains " The request is unprocessable because it uses too many resources", you may need to index your column. I had a similar issue with a plain text field and this resolved the issue. Here is the link on how to add an index to a SharePoint Column.
Add an index to a list or library column