I read this article before posting but didn’t find the answer I’m searching : https://docs.uipath.com/studio/standalone/2023.4/user-guide/about-workflow-analyzer
We are a dev team producing several UiPath processes. Each process has its own git repo on TFS.
We would like to customize the default analysis rules to change their criticality (Warning to Error typically). To keep homogeneity between the devs and the repos, we would like to know how to share an unique RuleConfig.json file.
Thanks for your help,
If you’re connected to UiPath Cloud, you could use Automation Ops: Automation Ops - Workflow Analyzer (uipath.com)
If not, you can configure governance policies using a file placed on each developer’s PC. Several options are possible: Studio - Governance (uipath.com)
Great, Governance was exactly what I needed.
Many thanks!
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