Set Workflow Analyzer Rules per machine

Hi everyone,

i want to set the Workflow Analyzer Rules (Rules.json) for the whole machine (VM) as multiple user are using same VM to develop robots. Therefore it doesn’t make sense for me to change the Rules.json in Path %LocalAppData%\UiPath\Rules as described in the UiPath Documentation, because that is user based.

Is there any place to set the Workflow Analyzer Rules per Machine instead of per user?


I don’t know about setting the rules to the whole VM, but what about enforcing them through Orchestrator? If that is an option to you, all you have to is create a folder called uipath.setting.config with one test asset inside called with the whole rules JSON.
Then you add the users you want to enforce to the folder, and everything works automatically.

Thanks for the recommandation. I didn’t had time to try it out so far. Is it working on Orchestrator 21.10 on-prem? Or is that a feature of Cloud Orchestrator/Automation Ops?

Hey Patrick,

It is working fine for me with Orchestrator on-prem.
I found some documentation for you.

Good luck!

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