I have a queue with approx 27000 items. After processing more than 7000 queue items successfully, I got the below error for one of the items only.
SetTransactionStatus.xaml failed: An error has occurred. Error code: 0 at Source: Set transaction status (Successful)
Please help to let me know the possible reasons for it.
(Srinivas Kadamati)
November 20, 2021, 3:37pm
Check below post for your reference
Good Morning Community:
I am dealing some problems with the orchestrator API, trying to DELETE a queue item by id, with the UiPAth HttpRequest Activity.
Previously of course I authenticate to get the access Token, it goes well, and after that I execute the GET action over the queue on order to confirm that it goes well:
https://[orchestrator_url]/odata/QueueItems(ID), with the GET method. It returns the json with the queue Item and it goes well.
In the same activity, if I change to the DELE…
Maybe some inputs are exceeding the UiPath DB Table Value property
Hope this may help you
Hi @sumit.tyagi ,
It can also be just one-off scenario as well due to timeout issues/connectivity problem at that moment.
Try increasing timeout for set transaction property, should help.
Alternatively you can consider putting it inside retry scope in case it’s faced frequently to avoid its failure.
Hi Sonali,
I already tried with both options. Timeout increased my execution time drastically so was not a viable option for me due to large number of records. So I had put the Set Transaction Status inside retry scope and it started working fine. Still under observation if in any issue comes up.
Sumit Tyagi
November 25, 2021, 9:27am
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