@Jayesh_678, @Anil_G could you both explain how it works. not how to tweak the setting (thats in the Advanced Box), I mean, explain why the default setting which is already 30000 ms should be enlarged to overcome this error?
Your answer seems more a certain kind of a shot-in-the-dark tweak than a proper solution. Why? I encountered the very same problem; building a dispatcher which is able to fetch data from Excel (1 or more transactions) - or PDF attachment (1 transaction) in a REFramework model. Everything works, either way the data fetched from Excel or PDF is transmitted to Orchestrator, do see the transactions stored in the queue (Orchestrator), all having status ‘New’, so far so good (to me, at least why should I have to change the all status ‘Successful’, to me as far as I understood the Dispatcher-Performer-Design, the Performer should picked them up and tweak then changing status in Progress ending up with Successful or Failed).
Very likely, I still do have a bit of lack of knowledge because after processing either way the 1 or more transaction from Excel - or the 1 transaction from a PDF attachment, I though it is necessary after processing them into orchestrator (all having status New), these transactions need to be tweaked to set the transactions to Status ‘Successful’. To me that’s seems weird, not necessary, the processing already has set the status ‘New’ at the moment the transaction are stored in Orchestrator. The Performer part should do that (or I don’t understand this 2-steps rocket concept).
Using the SetTransactionStatus-sub-process (Success, BRE or SE) as from many examples can be learning or is presented, there are already in Orchestrator have the correct status ‘New’. The performer-process should picked them up from Orchestrator (as soon as they are being picked up the status should change to ‘in process’. Within the performer-process the status of a transaction should in the end being changed to ‘Successful’ or ‘Failed’.
So back to my Dispatcher part, after adding transactions (State Process REFramework) just trying the change the status with a SetTransactionStatus workflow to either Successful or Failed, I do receive the exactly same error: SetTransactionStatus: Invalid OData query options, Error code: 999.
So, to me tweaking the timeout in the advanced settings isn’t a solution. The summarily explaining @Anil_G is comming up with seems a bit more in the correct direction however it still too summary to me.
So, I still do not really understand what this error: 999 exactly means in conjunction with activities ‘AddQueueItem’ and ‘SetTransactionStatus’. Hopefully @Anil_G is willing to comment to too. Looking forward to your response