We have a problem with our Virtual Machines.
About every day processes in Orchestrator will freeze, they will display as “Running” but there will be no log (Job details says “Info: Waiting for execution to start…”).
When I log into the VM and go to Windows Services I get the error 1783, which means there are more services active than allowed in Windows.
When I restart the VM it will work again. So we restart our VM’s daily.
I noticed after a restart there are 286 services, but after running some hours it get to 500 and more.
Can there be something wrong with how the robot-User log on/off the VM?
So everytime a process is triggered from Orchestrator, more services will be added but not removed when it log off?
Can it be firewall issue? GPO?
Error 1783:
We are on UiPath Cloud, Studio 2022.10, with powerful VMs on Azure.
We had the same problem when we were on OnPrem also.
If its a windows server can you check if there are any un-necessary startup services: run this command “msconfig” and check in startup services.
This also could be because of bot utilising resources like clipboard etc which is causing performance degrade. Monitor Events viewer for the same time.
On start-up there are 4 Citrix programs.
I’ve disabled even UiPath.Assistant, as you only need the robot service for an unattended.
After each job, is Orchestrator supposed to log-off or disconnect?
Maybe it just disconnects, and then log-on a “new” session for the next job?
Event viewer shows errors, but I think the root cause is the services are at max.
RemoteException wrapping System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot find job with id
at UiPath.Service.Core.ExecutorService.Available(AvailableMessage availableMessage)
UiPathRobotServices 57157505 IAttendedService GetProcessByKey 5. # System.InvalidOperationException: Could not log in user to Orchestrator.
at UiPath.Service.UserServiceManagerExtensions.GetSession(UserServiceManager manager, UserIdentity user)