Orchestrator - Waiting for execution to start


From time to time, processes don’t start in Orchestrator.
The Job will have state Running, but Details will show “Waiting for execution to start…”.
The View log shows nothing.

On the Orchestrator web server’s Event Viewer:
“UiPath.Orchestrator.Core.Exceptions.BusinessConflictException: Error code - 1213, Message - ‘The floating robot’s session is already active on machine VMZZZ01’”

Our solution is to restart all the VMs. But after some days, we will have to do it again.
Anyone else have this problem?

Orchestrator On-prem, 2020.4.3
Modern Folder
Azure Virtual machines with unattended licenses.
Two robot users, using the same VM’s.

Hi @Ferdinand

I would suggest you to contact our technical support who will be able to directly assist you with the issue:

Did you get this issue resolved?

Yes! When I logged on the VMs I noticed that the list of Services was full.
It had reached maximum allowed services for Windows.
The reason was that for every log-on (process run) the VM created around 20 new services. These services are supposed to be removed when the user logs off, but they were still stuck in the list (with status Stopped). It was not possible to remove them neither manually or with scrips. We actually had to restart the VMs manually a loong time before we noticed this…

The solution was to remove “Per-User services”.
I think we did this with GPO (Group Policy), but not sure.


The VMs are on Azure and should be pretty standard.
I would think this may be a common problem?
UiPath should make a more detailed How-To on configuring VMs for IT departments, on the most popular cloud solutions.

The problem with restarting the VMs every day was because of user-services that was created and not deleted for each time Orchestrator loged on the machine. See solution.

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