Servicenow integration application scope error

I have created assets in the orchestrator and on configure I get configured successful but still if we see on the activity it’s giving an error as:
none of the overload groups have all their required/optional activity arguments configured error for servicenow application scope activity

can someone help me and guide about how can I use uipath and get data from all the incidents present in servicenow and if short description column has “Read access” word present in the incident only then open the ticket,get the data from the ticket, change state of ticket to closed and go for next incident. So I want data from only incidents having “Read access” mentioned in the short description field. This process should run for all the incidents present currently.

I have attached the screenshots of how my servicenow incidents look like and also the uipath activity I am using. I need an appropriate solution so please can anyone help me achieve this problem statement of mine.

Thanks in advance,