Sending multiple transactions in parallel process

We have a case which is, sending multiple transactions to a site ,but we want to speed up the process, so we divided the transactions into multiple dt list and we used parallel process to send the transactions at the same time, but it seems that one process is working in parallel and the other responding 403 .Do you have any idea why this happened or do you have a different solution to speed up the process??

Note that we tried it with postman and it is working fine!!

@Anil_G Thats the use case


So …what is the api doing? And what dt_list contains…can you provide more details


its a POST api … just inserting a data from excel file contains more than 20,000 rows …

the api contains multithreading ( 10 workers ) … so the size of list of data_table is 10 …

the integration is with ERPNEXT … So, whatever I send through the Form ( one Url + 2 Users ( bearer tokens )
it always the same result one of them returned in response 403 and the other works well 200 , and vise versa …


So if i understand correctly…you are sending one request with multiple bearers for each set?

It’s difficult to understand like this…can you show the request and the body prameters and all…what you are passing in postman and UiPath…

Basically…403 error comes because of client side error …or client not receiving data…

So can you try generating separate tokens as well in loop to make different http calls…so that theyare multually separate




Uh ,Thanks a lot @Anil_G , we really appreciate your helping

I have solved the issue the problem was with the argument of one of the fields of bearer tokens ( different name :sweat_smile: ) its my fault , sorry for taking your time and thanks again @Anil_G :pray: