hello to all
I would like to share with you my test that I’ve made regarding sending mails in uipath.
i have try 3 way:
- using the gmail activity:
- using the smtp activity;
- using the send mail activity in api google gmail
so for the first one i have found that it’s very easy to use. I had to connect to a gmail account ( action that is done when designing in studio and just for the first time) and then had to indicate the data that is always needed ( to, body, etc). It looked very easy to me. However, when I ran it I had not got any mail in the destination account. however i found that in my draft area in my gmail account i had the mail that i thought that i had sent. why? Because along with the data that’s needed to send the mail there is also a check box that is checked and it means that when the activity runs the mail will be sent to the draft area of the sending account!! When I had unchecked it I had the mail sent to the destination account.
for the second way, it was a little more difficult. the smtp activity for itself is not complicated to fill however what you must do before can be ( at least for me it was…). if you are not very concerned with security issues then probably in your google account you had not activated the 2 way identification. In that case, before you run such activity you must activate in google account the option of accepting least security applications. it runs but ( i think) security issues are a little forgotten then. if however i’ve got the 2 way identification that activity will not run, ending with error messages such as bad credentials… I have used the application keys ( always in the google account). After that I had a 16 key that was used beside your sending account. ( properties panel). working!
for the last one you must prepare very well what you must do before running the activity in uipath.
( i must say that i saw a very well done video of Mr. Kaqesh where he explain what to do before
API | UiPath Gmail API | UiPath Email Automation - YouTube)
- you must go to console.cloud.google.com
- get the gmail library
- activate that library
- activate the oauth process ( authorization authentication) for that gmail api ( which will be asked only one time when you run the activity)
- create credentials to be used in your activity ( when you are designing it in studio) and copy it ( client id and secret key)
- and finally use those credentials at design time in the properties panel.
it worked also.
now, I am wondering which of these ways is better then the others or can I use whatever I want?
thank you|