Sending files with SMTP

Hello, I am trying to create a process that sends pdf attachments every day at the same time. The process downloads a PDF from the internet and saves it in a folder with the name (“now.toString(ddMMyyyy)+“MercanciasMerca””). The directory where it is saved is: “”“C:\Users\admin\Documents\UiPath\\MercadonaMercancias"+now.ToString(“ddMMyyyy”)+“MercanciasMerca.pdf””"
But when the robot is run unattended it does not find the file and the orchestrator error changes the directory and says that it is: " Could not find file ‘C:\Users\admin.nuget\packages\ jde\1.0.51\content\MercadonaMercancias\28092022MercanciasMerca.pdf’ "
If I try it in an attended way if it finds the file
For what is this?

Hi @achap Please follow these steps

  1. first create the folder by create folder activity and pass like : "C:\Users"+Environment.UserName.ToString+“Your path”

  2. use the same path in your smtp attachment path