Send outlook mail not working in background

the activity send outlook mail not working in background, i have to open the outlook then the eamil is sent!
any help to know why?

Hi @rchabbeh

Send Outlook Message activity requires that Outlook application remains open. The activity doesn’t perform UI Interactions with the application (i.e. Clicks, type into), but use Outlook in the background to send the messages.

If you closes the Outlook or you never open it, all the messages keeps on your outbox until the application is opened.



I am running into the same issue. Outlook has to be open for any Outlook activities to work properly. In the UiPath documentation, it states the outlook does not have to be open (Outlook Email Automation). Is there a way for UiPath to interact with outlook (using the outlook activities) when outlook is CLOSED?

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same issue here. did you guys find any solution?

Just wondering if a resolution was found for this? I am seeing that this only happens after the server is restarted. Subsequent emails are sent even though outlook is closed after once opening outlook and then closing.

Has anyone found a solution to this?

Emails don’t appear to be syncing until someone actually logs in and launches the Outlook client. Then the robot receives inbox messages and is able to send emails through outlook successfully. This goes on for a day or so, and then stops.

If Outlook remains closed for over 24 hours, all the Outlook emails the robot sends just remain in Outbox, and the robot does not receive incoming mail either. As soon as I log into the VM and launch outlook, I can see the status is showing as Disconnected and it’s starting to connect that same instant. When I navigate to the Outbox folder, there’s dozens of emails from days before that haven’t been sent.

This behaviour is consistent on all the VMs. We have O365 click-to-run client.

We currently have an incident with Microsoft, but I was just wondering if anyone’s already solved this?

Many thanks!

In most cases, Send SMTP Email is much better than Send Outlook Email. Using SMTP eliminates these issues you’re having.

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Yes there is, invoke C# code to send outlook emails, with this you don’t need outlook to be opened because you can create a new instance of the outlook application via code and then create a new mailitem object, just remember to close that instance after your done.

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