Send outlook Mail Message-Attachment with redirect link icon

Hi Team,

Is there possible to add redirect link with icon in send outlook mail message activity while doing attachment?

Actually i want to share redirect link of the attachment with Drag and drop icon. Is it possible in Uipath?

Thanks in Advance!

Prabakaran S

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Hey @prabakaran.s,

Good to see you here.

You want an icon which redirects to a link having the attachment, is it so ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Nithinkrishna,

Yes, Exactly. Is it possible?

Thanks in Advance!

Prabakaran S

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Hey @prabakaran.s,

Of course, That’s possible.

You need to use HTML body type for the email and embed an icon to it with hyperlink.

The hyperlink address should be your attachment link where you have uploaded it.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Sample body html:

"<!DOCTYPE html>< html >< body >< span style = 'font-family:calibri; font-size:11pt; color:#1F4E79' >Hello, </ span >"+
"< br />"+
"< span style = 'font-family:calibri; font-size:11pt; color:#1F4E79' >Some text:</ span >"+
"< span style = 'font-family:calibri; font-size:11pt; color:#1F4E79' >Regards</ span >"+
"< a href = """">< img src = "" cid:icon.jpg""></ a ></ body ></ html >"

You need to add icon.jpg as attachment to e-mail.

Hey Nithinkrishna,

Great! It is working with help of HTML body.

I have used below line in body content of the send outlook activity to achieve it.

“<a href = ““””><img src =”“Directory path\icon.png”“></ a >”


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Hey Adrain,

It is working fine after removing empty space in between taqs.

I have used below line to achieve it.

I have used below line in body content of the send outlook activity to achieve it.

“<a href = ““””><img src =”“Directory path\icon.png”“></ a >”

Thanks & Regards,
Prabakaran S

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