I get e-mails with ‘Get Outlook Mail Messages’ activity. But my emails have hyperlink. I’m sending this email to someone else.
Email Example:
Otomotiv üretim, satış, ihracat raporumuz aşağıdaki bağlantıdadır.
Report_name (wiht hyperlink)
Saygılarımızla / Best Regards
E-Dergi : www.odd.org.tr (hyperlink go to spesific part of website.)
Eğitim ve Seminerlerimizi incelemek için (tıklayınız). (Hyperlink)
With UiPath:
I want to translate this to hyperlink.
I split line by line with regex. Then I tried to translate the lines that should be hyperlink with HTML, but it didn’t work.
rapor.xaml (18.4 KB)