Send Email: Code: ErrorItemNotFound Message: The specified object was not found in the store

Hi Team,

I am getting the exception Send Email: Code: ErrorItemNotFound Message: The specified object was not found in the store.
I have updated the package and tried to run the project but it is giving compilation error.

Any body has any idea about the root cause of the issue.

Hi @sneelavannan

Upgrading the package should solve the issue. Could you please let me know to which version the package was upgraded? If there is compilation error then there is something that needs to be fixed in the code.

Could you please share the screenshot of the error?


System.InvalidOperationException: Compilation failures occurred:

The type 'System.Func`3<T0,T1,T2>' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'.

Complete results are contained in the Data property of this exception. Please correct the errors in the source and retry the Load. at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices.Compile(IDynamicActivity dynamicActivity, LocationReferenceEnvironment environment)
at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, ActivityXamlServicesSettings settings)
at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices.Load(XmlReader xmlReader, ActivityXamlServicesSettings settings)
at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices.Load(Stream stream, ActivityXamlServicesSettings settings)
at UiPath.Executor.WorkflowLoader.LoadWorkflow(String xamlPath, String compiledWorkflowAssemblyName)
at UiPath.Executor.WorkflowRuntime.Load(String workflowFile)
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.InitWorkflowApplication()
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.d__115.MoveNext()

there have same issue:

We are facing an issue with send mail activity - Help / Studio - UiPath Community Forum

Try package version update to 2.2.3. However you need remember that we have to fill field account which is optional, but without that we’ll get bad request error.


I could not see any package in that version in my manage package window


Try upgrading it to 2.2.7 and check.

there you can check which version of this activity is match to your version of Studio:
Activities - Release notes (
So, maybe 2.2.7 will be fine for you.

Hi @sneelavannan

Update the package to latest version by selecting the runtime rule as lowest as applicable.


When i updated that package ,I got the below issue

Can you show the screenshot with properties of activity O365 scope?

The compilation error occurs when I update the Microsoft o365 library inside the project

It is looks fine.
Do you know which acitivity is marked by Studio as error?
Maybe you can try to recreate all office365 activites?

@ sneelavannan
Just adding some more information in attempt to identify the true root of this issue.

I’m running Studio 2022.10.3 and MO365 Package 1.14.1.
I too all the sudden started getting the same error a couple days ago.
I’m getting ready to also attempt to update the Microsoft Package as a fix but wanted to share some info first that makes me question this being the root issue.

I have other other automations running on the same bot, published in the same folder in orchestrator, using the same Studio 2022.10.3 version and using the same MO365 Package 1.14.1 that do not throw the error and is sending the email fine???

If it was the package in need of an upgrade you would think all my automations with the same package and same activity would need it??

Something else I will add is I do send an attachment in both scenarios as well but don’t think that has anything to do with the error.

I’m just questioning if updating MO365 package is the root of the issue or is there something else going on?

This is a common issue. just cose the xaml and reopen the file again, studio should ask you to confirm to pull dependencies. and then it will all be fine. This issue I am seeing since 22.10. Hope this helps.

I am also facing this issue. And the email gets stuck in Draft folder. Try to increase the timeout of send mail. I did mine to 120 sec, and that has provided some relief. Hope this helps.

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we are seeing the same issue. It’s intermittent and does not happen locally or regularly. We will work with suggestion above about the timeout. underlying graph API seems to be what is triggering the error. Any help on this from UiPath @loginerror ? :slight_smile:

looking into it further, it appears that the graph sendMail request is the culprit. user: sendMail - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn is it possible the sendMail request isn’t waiting long enough for the createMessage request to finish?

How we can resolve the issue without upgrading studio? There are around 100+ process in production and it will take more time for testing.

I am also facing the same issue but one thing I noticed is that the send email is failing only for the MultiAttachments, if we have only one attachment I don’t see any issues.

Does any one facing the same issue?

Yes, the same issue is happening. Please update miceosoft365 activities to 2.2.7 and try