Selector not choosing correct variable

While the web page items appear to be in drop down format, the get children activity is not working. I am forced to use read excel cell, click, and type into activities. The variable is “priority”. In the type into activity I use priority.ToString+[k(enter)]" The choices for the variable are Highest, High, Medium, and Low. If the cell reads Medium or Low the robot chooses the correct item. If the cell reads High it chooses Highest. How do I correct this?

My selector is attached.

Update: After fighting selectors, watching the wonderful videos, and trying all the great suggestions, I tried using an If condition and it works. So if the cell reads High the robot actually click on the word high else it chooses the other variables. Thanks to all for replying.


If you are using * in your selector then try giving a space after the high so that highest and high are separated

Or if you can paste the text using performatted text so that it cna be viewed


Hi @april.simon,

if you are dealing with excel then

Before pressing typing [k(enter)] type [k(back)] as Excel has functionalities for auto-suggestion when a certain word is typed
or maybe remove the Enter and try to jump to a different cell.


I am not using the high or highest I am using the variable “priority”.
Is there something I can do in the selector so that it only chooses high and not highest? The excel cell will never read highest, but obviously I cant remove it from the web page.


In the selector i dont see any variable ?


priority.ToString() & " [k(enter)]"

Please add a space in your string prior to the hotkey.

Correct. Its in the type into activity priority.ToString+“[k(enter)]”. The selector is just picking the field on the page to put the variable from the cell. I am not sure what I can do to make it pick high and not highest. I think it is recognizing highest instead of high because its listed first in the drop down.


yes thats the issue…do one thing

change the flow

use click to click on drop down…then use clicka ctivity and make sure in selector you have innertext and which contains the high highest or medium value…and use that as variable


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<webctrl class='qa-dd-input qas-input js-dd-btninput ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-scope' parentclass='qa-dropdown-btn js-dd-btn ng-s

I do not see intertext?

<webctrl class='qa-dd-input qas-input js-dd-btninput ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-scope' parentclass='qa-dropdown-btn js-dd-btn ng-s

I do not see innertext?


Open the selector in ui explorer and then modify it…from the right panel in ui explorer you can find innertext…


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It still picks highest. Thank you for replying .

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