Selector issue on prod machines


I’m having an issue on my process in our Production machines. Process includes signing in to a website. It throws an error saying that the selector isn’t found at run time. However, when I tried to run the same process on my local machine and on our Development machines, it’s working perfectly fine, no selector error is thrown.

Do you guys have any idea why this is happening?



In both the environments are you using same application or one is dev and other is prod?

If its different then may be there might be little changes in selectors

Also are the chrome window names any different?

Inspecting the element on browser in prod and dev and check if there are any differences



  1. Environment Differences: The Production machines may have different configurations or settings compared to your local or Development machines. This could include variations in software versions, security settings, or system resources. These differences might affect the way the website or the automation tools interact with the application.

If you have UiPath studio then you can open your code in that machine or any prod machine and edit selector again.
or you can inspect that element and extract selector and check what is the difference.


dev and prod are using the same application. It uses Google Chrome to access the website. I am getting this error:


It looks like this is yhe ad login screen…

And as per error i can see…it is failing at entering the creds…but sometimes we would get select account screen first and then once we choose use another account the screen which you have in the selector comes up…check if this is the scrnario.if yes then one more screen has to be included

Verify the screenshot if they are available


I had it verified through the screenshot. There is no another screen. It opened to the expected log in page.

Not really sure what was the problem because the process was working perfectly fine until today.


Try removing second line from selector and use only first and last and check if that works


@_pjflo might be possible selector changed in production. one more thing can you check in code “Attach browser/open browser” (whatever you are using ) property Browser Type.