Selecting items from drop down menu

Hello all,

I’m practicing on a use case where I have to read data from excel file and have to select the same string in a drop down menu of a web site.

When ever I try to use select item activity, I end up getting “This Control does not support select item”.

Here is website :
The drop down menu’s in website are select model, select year, select variant.

And I’m attaching sample excel file.

Any leads or help is much appreciated.
Car Parts.xlsx (8.3 KB)

sometimes indicating item will not pick up the right element.
We guess it picked up a span.

But when manually postedit the selector to the select element (case: Model Box) it will work

<webctrl id='modelHome' tag='SELECT' />

Hi @ppr,As I’m new to ui automations could you please share steps in detail. So that I can understand.

lets assume following:

indicate item failed with … not supported

  • click on 1

  • replace line

Save and test


My process workflow is as follows:

  1. Using Open browser Activity and providing Url.
  2. Using Select Item activity and trying to indicate element inside browser.
  3. Clicking on dropdown menu.

As soon as I clicked on drop down menu using select item activity, I get This control does not support select item.
After getting this error, I have nothing in selector except web url. Am I doing gnything wrong?

Could you please share the xaml file if possible.

then just add the line only (we are talking about selector of select item activity)

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Thank you Peter, this is working.

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