Selecting app based on title

I am working with remote desktop and depending on the desktop I connect the title of the application window changes. I have the desktop name in a variable but am unable to find where I can enter in the name of the application window I want to access. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance!

Hey! Welcome to community!

Could you please explain a bit more


Hello @zackattack0517

So your bot is running in the l;ocal and you are trying to open an application in the remote? Is that correct?

Hey @zackattack0517

There are few options which can be done,

  1. If that selector attribute is not mandatory mask it with a wildcard *

  2. If that selector attribute is required you can go with may be regex based selectors

  3. Else just have an asset configured with robot per value by mentioning different values for different machines which can be used dynamically in the selector attribute

Hope that helps



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