Hello, I’m in an app, it just lets me extract the query of the data that I make on the screen, the problem is that I only need the “Fec. Cobro” field and the “Factura” field to save them in an excel, how can I select them, I attach screenshots.
A greeting.
Hey @Aguirre
Yes its possible. But just to make things bit more clear,
- Is that the table on the screen
- If yes, how many rows will it have
Hello, I go through an excel file and I make the query one by one in the application, it only shows me a row with the header, in each query I make.
I am attaching a screenshot, do you want us to continue in the original post or here? as no one answered.
Good news.
Before it gave me an error, but now it lets me select the basic data, it would only be to be able to put them each in a column.
Hey @Aguirre
I hope this is the original post. If not please tag me or share me link.
With respect to your screenshot, after doing native scraping you will be storing the result in a string. So just do sort of string manipulation as below…
str_FecCobro = str_Data.Split(vbLf.ToCharArray)(1).Split(" "c)(1)
str_Factura = str_Data.Split(vbLf.ToCharArray)(1).Split(" "c)(2)
We are just splitting string using newline
to split the rows and taking the second row.
After that we are just splitting the second row string with space to get columns.
Hope this helps
So is it working now.
Sorry, so now that I only have the four fields, how should I put it since it gives me an error:
“Expected comma, ‘)’ or continuation of valid expression”
@Aguirre What does that two lines imply ?
Two set of values for your required two fields ?
Sorry, maybe I have not expressed myself correctly, now I only extract the data without header that interests me, I need to divide those lines by fields, the separator is the space, I have tried various divisions, but it does not work for me. 4 separate data appear since I have thought that it is better to bring all 4 to me as they are interesting for me.
If that is the case please split like the same and just decrement the last number in both lines by 1
That should help
Could you please just debug and see what the split result is giving you as output and then let’s go for index.
Sorry for the inconvenience, after several tests I have seen that it is faster and easier from Excel to divide the column, since this is a reading that I am only going to do today, and I do not want to steal more time.
I did not see your answer clearly either or I did not understand it, since what I want is to go through a file with which I can not assign line by line, anyway with this it works for me. Thank you very much and greetings.
No worries. If you found a good working way.