Can i select a excel file from a input dialogue message plz?

Can i select a excel file from a input dialogue message ?

You can use select file activity with a filter to select only excel file.

Karthik Byggari


@Soudios, Select file activity is right choice as @KarthikByggari suggested. But if there is requirement and if you want to take input using Input dialogue then also its possible. Just capture value in variable and use it in Excel Application Scope. Hope this make sense.



what i want is when i luch the process, there is a input dialogue massage who let met select the file

@Bhavik_Solanki @KarthikByggari

Input dialogue message with this :


@Soudios, By any mean are you able to get full path (including file name)?
If yes then please use that path / variable in Excel Application Path. Set WorkbookPath property with path variable.


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No i need actvity who let met select a file in my computer with a dialogue message, like in the picture

@Soudios, Then use can use “Select File” activity.

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Thank you my friend !

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