In the second page(second image) i have to scrap datatable that i will insert it in excel file and then click on return button so that the first page re-appear and so on.
the problem is that i need to do this task for each row shown in the first image and when i get to the bottom item in that page i have to go to the next page an so on to the final item. I know i have to use the dynamic selector but how can i use it in this case,
it looks like a task within following pattern
retrieve a highlevel list with links
iterate over the link list and retrieve detail information
give a try on data scrapping and
configure the extraction to retrieve the links from first screenshot
configure the paging for the datascraping the links
then iterate over the retrieved links
readin the details again with another configured data scraping
add a third column to the detaill list to identify the details on which client it do relate
If this website is a public one, please share its url. If not, i would not use data scrape, i prefer to do manually, since the fields seems to be fixed for each company.
Ok, here is how i would do: test1.xaml (23.9 KB)
Note that i am not getting all the columns and didnt go to the end of the table because it is too long, so it may have some bugs at the last page…