Scenario asked in interview

Hello every1…
Suppose we have two processes which are not dependent on each other . And we have to run those processes on single bot one after another… Bot should immediately run 2nd process once it completes 1st process.
we don’t know exact how much time process 1 needs to execute. then how to trigger bot to run 2nd process???
Thank You.


Along the first process END - that is atlast along the sequence of activities use a START JOB activity and call the second process in that so that once after the first one completes running it will immediately run the second process through this start job activity in a single robot

Cheers @jyoti

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thats is actually by default, just start job1 and job2 in the same robot and 2 will wait job 1 to finish.

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thank u… will try

Thank u…

Cheers @jyoti

Hello sir… i tried it but it’s not working .

May I know the error or issue we were facing on that

i created two processes. By using start job activity called 2nd process. It executes 1st process n but not 2nd process. Its goes into faulted state


You no need to call second job at the end of first job.

Trigger both jobs at a time from Orchestrator. First one process will run and second one will be in the pending state. Once the first process completed then immediately second one will start.

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Fine in orchestrator kindly check once with the Log by choosing VIEW LOGS option so that we could know the issue

Cheers @jyoti

@jyoti - no need to use ‘start process’ or anything like that. In fact that should definitely be avoided because of the requirement stating “They are not dependent on each other”. Instead, you should use orchestrator to create a schedule. Have a schedule for process1 run on robot1 on a set time, then have process2 run on robot1 at the same time + 1 second. Orchestrator will automatically queue the process so once robot1 finishes process1 it will immediately start robot2.

If the process were dependent, then you would use the ‘start job’ activity. However, since these are independent you SHOULD NOT use that activity as it essentially makes process2 dependent on process1


ok will try

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to use start job activity, you will need to give permissions to the robot in orchestrator and pass the name as PROCESS_ENVIRONMENT.

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Start Job: Operation returned an invalid status code ‘Forbidden’ . i got this error

Thats great… Thank u.

It’s fine like being dependent we can use the START JOB but that doesn’t mean like we should not use them when being independent of each other
I wonder why we should not
The main concept is to run immediately the senior process from a single bot


Would like to see the whole error message as a screenshot
Is that Possible

@Palaniyappan - The 2 processes are not dependent. Having process2 begin with a ‘start job’ activity in process1 means that you cannot run process1 without also running process2. If processes are independent, they should be able to be run by themselves. What happens if the business decides a couple weeks later that they want process2 to run 10 minutes earlier? Now you have to re-deploy process1 to remove the ‘start job’ activity.

The start job activity should always be used for dependent processes. It ensures that process1 runs correctly before dependent process 2 begins. For independent processes, you should always schedule independently


@Palaniyappan - the error is because the robot does not have sufficient permissions in orchestrator, which @bcorrea has already pointed out in earlier posts. However, as I’ve already stated independent processes should not be daisy-chained together with ‘start job’ activities, and should instead be coordinated through orchestrator only

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