Save Outlook Mail message as .msg

I want to save my outlook sent mail message in .msg format. I am able to save it, but unable to open that message. When tried to open, it showing below error

**"It’s possible file is open already or you don’t have permission to open it To check your permission right click folder then click properties


Hi @jewel

Buddy you can open the file in .msg format with this procedure

  1. Right-click any file that has an .msg file name extension, point to Open With , and then click Choose another app .
  2. In the How do you want to open this file? dialog box, select Outlook (desktop) under the Other Options section.
    (The screenshot for step 2 and 3 is listed below).
  3. Click to enable the Always use this app to open .msg files option, and then click OK .

Hope this would help you


I have the same issue and the app used is not the cause.

This has worked for me previously, but I now have a long filename - could this be the cause?

Further testing shows it is not the filename length nor the mail messages moving location.

So the save mail messages activity must have changed?