I am doing the 2nd assignment of level 3 of UiPath Academy, and I am getting the following error.
I have a variable ReportFilePath that has a value of Path.Combine(in_ReportsDownloadPath,“Report-”+in_TaxID+“-”+in_Year+“-”+month+“.csv”) where the in_ReportsDownloadPath is the address that I want to save the document.
The message printed is correct so it is extracting the value properly. However, instead of saving the file into in_ReportsDownloadPath it is saving (and I don’t know why) into Desktop. In addition, it should name the file as “Report-” + in_TaxID + “-” + “in_Year”+“-”+month+“.csv” but it still saving the default name of the document.
@supermanPunch, basically I had used the move file activity, and is doing it properly. I still don’t know why it is saving into desktop or download folder as I am saving into the folder I want. Anyway, thank you for your help.