Save as .xlsx

hello friends,
I have this problem.
When i try to save the file with the extension .xslx it saves it as a .txt file.

WHen I click on “Salva” it saves it as a .txt file.
How can I save it as a .xlsx file?
Thank you,

Does it do this when you Save the file “manually”?
If not and the problem is with the workflow, then I would ask are you selecting the “File type” (Salva come)? Sometimes if you don’t select the type in that dropdown correctly, it will use a different file type and maybe it’s still seeing .txt even though .xlsx is selected. If that is the case, we would need to analyze the activities you are using to select that dropdown.

However, if you are not selecting the dropdown and by default it is already set to “*.xlsx”, then I am unsure what the issue is. I would also recommend trying to add the extension to the filename when you save it.


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Thank you so much @ClaytonM.
Yes, it do this when I Save the file “manually".
I’m using this activity:

but it seems that it doesn’t save the extension .xlsx selected.
CAn you please help me?
Thank you so much.

Hi @CamiCat,

After opened the dialog box . When you give Alt+N as hotkey. You will get the focus in the dialog box and you can type it.


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Thank you so much @balupad14.
I tried but anything happens unfortunately.

Can you pleas help me with a workflow?
Thank you so much,
Camilla :slight_smile:

Yes @CamiCat. I will send you…

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Thank you @balupad14.
I’ll wait for your kind answer.
Camilla :slight_smile:


File : (77.5 KB)


Note : Please change the Attach window selector to some excel file opened.


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Thank you so much @balupad14.
The problem is that I start from a .csv file and I should save it as a .xlsx.

I should choose the .xlsx type from the dropdown list
and then save
Can you please help me further?
Thank you so much,
camilla :slight_smile::grin:

I don’t know if you have already thought of this, but you could take the Data Table from the CSV file (Read CSV), then use Write Range with that Data Table and you can save it to a new .xlsx file.


Yes as @ClaytonM said, this method seems to be fine.

Yes @CamiCat. Doing hot key method . Better we can read the data from csv to Datatable and you can write into an excel as @ClaytonM said.


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Hi @CamiCat,

I saw some thing different .


HI @CamiCat

Another one i have seen in the excel to save in a different way as below


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Thank you so much.
It seems working :slight_smile:
1)How is it possible to close the excel file so that I can can processthem one after the other?
2)And is it possible to change the name of the Excel sheet?

Thank you so much,

Above you have lot suggestion. which one is a solution to you ?

This one will help you to rename the excel sheet.


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Hi @CamiCat,

A surprise is waiting for you !!!


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Thank you @balupad14.
Which kind of surprise?
I’m trying to change the xcel sheet name.
Camilla :slight_smile:

That(Renaming sheet name) is the surprise @CamiCat . Wait for few minutes I am uploading the activity in the gallery. you can use it without doing many stuff.


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Thank youuu @balupad14::tada::tada::tada:

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