SAP - Getting status lights value

Hello All,

I’m trying to get the colour of a field in a SAP table to execute some tasks depending if the light is green, yellow or red, but I just can´t find a way.

The table is something like this:

I need to “read” if the 1st column has a yellow or a red sign and give that value to a variable so I can perform several other tasks.

Does anyone have a clue?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi buddy @Gabriel_Requito

Welcome to UiPath community

Were you able to select each cell as individual element and if so we can use ColorDetectorActivities

if we are not able to select the cells as individual element do we have an option to export this table as a Excel from SAP, if so we can get the colors from the Exported Excel with Get Cell Color activity

Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Hope this would help you
Cheers @Gabriel_Requito

Hello @Palaniyappan,

Thanks for your quick reply.

This doesn´t work. I’m able to select the cell, but the result come as White. I think it is reading the color from the first “ball” as there are several colours inside the element, on this example on the first line of the table; grey, white and green:


I used data scraping and writeline those cells.
I found out that those signals are actually some codes behind that looks like this
@08\Q綠燈:成功 IDoc@ 綠燈:成功 IDoc”
I’m using Chinese tho, you can try it yourself.
Hope this will hope :wink:

Thanks Kev, but also doesn’t work… the Data Scraping is not possible on this kind of table!


Please let me know if the colordetector activity available in 2019.4.4 Enterprise version?

Tejaswini H R