How to get color value from SAP?

I want to get color checkbox value from SAP, you can refer the below image.

I want to check if its red or green, but I’m not able to find any solution,
I have tried already Get Attribute activity but all attributes are same for BOT color checkbox.


There would be some identifier like some technical code name like s_s_ledr

Look around this.

can you please explain it in details?
I’m not able to understand.

@Ankit_Chauhan ,

Use UI explorer to check all available attributes of the UI element.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, @Ankit_Chauhan

I have a idea

Firstly, make data scraping the page after use filter data table . expression like that

Second idea try this;

The image shows a software interface capturing a status bar message with empty fields for message type, text, and data, and contains a placeholder image labeled "Image Not Available." (Captioned by AI)

that’s fine but this SAP screen is not in structured format, so we can not scrap the data from SAP in data table, can you suggest any another solution?

First, click on the green-red area. Check the selector. What happened? Did anything good come?You can see, error or success. It is Ok.Then you can use the get text or find image activities.


You can try usign find image

If you want to localize to some location you can give the selector of that location or table as well


Both button (red and green) selectors are coming same, not able to find difference, and attributes are also same for both button, do you have any other solution?

Have a nice week :slight_smile:
The last idea,you can use; image exist aktiviti.
Define (green- green),(Green-Red),(Red-Red),(Red green).

@Ankit_Chauhan If it helped please mark it as solution

After so much effort, I found the solution to getting the color from the buttons, which are images.

  1. I have downloaded the complete report in .htm format from SAP.
  2. I read it as a text using UiPath activity.
  3. I used the Regex expression to get the image src value between two unique order IDs.
  4. Then identify whether it is a green image or a red image.

This is a Regex expression.

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(Text, “(?<=3585975.*?src=')(s_s_ledg.gif)|(s_s_ledgr.gif)(?=.*3559722)”).Cast(Of System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match)().Select(Function(m) m.Value).ToArray()

for full info please check this one

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