Same Product names matching and save in final excel file using excel macros

Two excel files:
1, file name - Flipkart
Details in the files are:- Name, price, discountamount, status

  1. Main file - final product file
    Sheets: Amazon, Bigbasket, filpkart
    Selecting filpkart sheet,

Flipkart sheet having some formats of Product Names , Price, discount amount, Status and final results

Question is i want to match the product details from the both excel files

  1. Flipkart
  2. Final product file
    From Flipkart file data should be match and save in seconds main final product name

using excel macros so any one please help me out

Thanks in advance.

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Hey @Ashok_kumar7

Do you want to only go with macros ?

Why not with UiPath way ?


Yeah I need VBA Excel macros code bro