Data Scrapping Use Case

I want to scrap data from Flipkart and amazon website into two separate excel files i.e., one for Flipkart data and the other for amazon data.
And then I have to do a comparison i.e., the entries which are common in both the above excel files to be written to a new excel file.
I need the workflow to be a Generic Solution i.e., that comparison works irrespective of their names from the above two excel files.

Hi @vishal.jyoti_cs15
Which data you want scrape data from Flipkart or amazon? Like i want to search one company product in both e-commerce sites and compare the prices… am I right?

I want to compare the prices of those products which are common in both the websites.

Please have a look at this video.

This might solve your query.


Hi @vishal.jyoti_cs15

May i know what all fields you want to extract for the product from both the websites ?

For eg Name, Price, ??

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

Product Name and Price

The issue is that while doing comparison the product name from the two websites are in different formats.
e.g: Flipkart Product Name : Apple iPhone 11 (Black, 64 GB)
Amazon Product Name : Apple iPhone 11 (64GB) - Black

Hello Vishal,
In this video, I have multiple use cases of UiPath extract data from the Web and write this data in Excel:

0:42 Extract table from a web site and write this data in Excel
2:40 Extract emails from Yahoo Mail and write this data in Excel
5:00 Read Data from Excel search on Google and write back the data in Excel
8:05 Run the process
9:25 Count the repetition of string inside excel table
15:55 Copy only rows that contain a specific string to a new table

Cristian Negulescu

did you find a solution to this question?
if you have,
could you share the solution?
I am also facing the same issue
Please help me