Can we run or trigger a process from cmd

Hi All,

Wanted to try running a process from my cmd

Is it possible to achieve it

Kindly let me know your thoughts on this

Hi @Veerah

check this out

hope this helps


Try with this command

“C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe” -f “D:\Test\Main.xaml”

I kept as Test
You can mention your folder path of the main xaml file

Cheers @Veerah

Hi @Palaniyappan

Does it support for windows project

hi @Veerah
if your project is not Windows-Legacy but Windows or Crossplatform, UiRobot doesn’t support to execute xaml file
Please set nupkg file path or use -p option. Also check the above following document in details which is shared in my last post

In this case, you would need to provide the process name or path to .nupgk file. Highlighted from link from above:

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